Solar panel collectors

Solar panel collectors

I was gazing out at the Big Leaf Maple this morning  …  in awe of how the morning sun was highlighting the leaves with a striking brilliance!    And a devotional I had read popped into my mind.  

From:  Inspired Evidence  
By:  Julie Von Vett & Bruce Malone  

“Each leaf is like a miniature solar collector, bringing in the sun and combining it with water and nutrients to make the tree’s food.  Each leaf has to have the most sunshine possible touching it with the least amount of shade.  

“The tree branches hold these mini-solar collectors in the most perfect position depending on the leaf’s size and shape.  Each type of tree has different leaf shapes and sizes, which require the arrangements on the branches to be different.  This requires a different canopy shape for each different type of tree.”  

As I gazed at the Big Leaf Maple this morning, highlighted by the early morning sun, I was in awe of God’s loving care over His creation!    That God would design trees so that their branches would grow in just the right way so that each leaf would be perfectly positioned as solar panel collector to receive the maximum amount of sunlight.    Wow!    God is amazing!   

And … each tree has its own individual characteristic canopy shape based on how its mini solar panel collectors (aka leaves) receive the sun.    Amazing!   

This got me thinking  …  as a Christian, we need the light of Jesus Christ (the Son of God) in order to grow spiritually!    Without the light of Jesus Christ, our spiritual life will slowly shrivel and die  …  just like the leaves on the Big Leaf Maple would if they do not receive enough sunlight.   

So how do we get the light of Jesus Christ??    We want to grow.    We don’t want our spiritual life to shrivel and die.  

The Word of God!    Plain and simple.   

We need the Word of God every day!   

The Word of God will shine the light of Jesus (the Son!) into our soul!  …  just like the early morning sun shining with brilliance on the Big Leaf Maple!  

The Word of God will give us the power we need to grow healthy and strong spiritually  …  just like the sun gives the leaves the solar power they need for the tree to grow healthy and strong.  

And  …  just like the branches of each tree are positioned in unique ways, based on their leaf shape & size, to maximize the sunlight received  …  so also, each of us (as solar panel collectors)  are individually designed by God to receive the power from Jesus in our own unique ways.  

That means  …  that just as each tree has its own individual unique canopy shape  …  so also, we each will have our own individual, unique, spiritual “canopy shape.”    Your spiritual life with Christ won’t look anything like my spiritual life Christ.  

The way you receive your spiritual solar-power from Jesus will not be the same way that I receive my spiritual solar-power from Jesus.  

Perhaps you are really drawn into close relationship with Jesus by reading deep contemplative devotional books.   That’s great!   That is your unique individual “canopy shape” for receiving the maximum solar-power for your spiritual life.  

Perhaps you are really drawn into close relationship with Jesus by music  …  singing worship songs of love to Jesus,  playing in a worship band and leading others as they praise Jesus,  composing and creating new music to worship and praise Jesus,  etc.   That’s great!    That’s your unique individual “canopy shape” for receiving the maximum spiritual solar-power.   

Personally, for me, I am drawn into close relationship with Jesus, my great Creator, by being out in nature and seeing the amazing things He has made!    As I am in awe and wonder of His majesty and creativity and care, my heart is drawn close to Him  …  and I praise Him!    And verses from His Word pop into my mind!    And my faith is strengthened and deepened!   

We each are different!    How you receive maximum solar-power to fuel your spiritual life is going to look uniquely individual to you!    God made you that way!   

Rejoice in the way God made you!  …  and each day turn your heart towards the Son  –  Jesus Christ  –  and receive from Him the power you need to fuel and grow your spiritual life!  

You are a solar panel collector!!