“Fluff-puff seeds” … carried on the breeze!

“Fluff-puff seeds”  …  carried on the breeze!

My backyard is nothing but little white puffs of cottonwood fluff  …  all floating sideways across my backyard  …  like a fluff-puff “river” in the air.   

It’s impossible to capture it with my camera.    With my eye I can distinguish every single tiny little puff of fluff hanging suspended in the air, and floating sideways in the current of air, breezing across my backyard.   

This past week the Awana program at the church where my kids serve was shut down  …  for good.    My two kids do not attend this church, however this church was their “home” church where they grew up.    They have many wonderful memories from this church, and their lives were greatly impacted by the Awana program there.    So, for the past few years, both my kids have served as Awana leaders there.   

Why??    Why was the Awana program shut down??    It was a strong, healthy program.    Upwards of 150 kids attended club each week and loved the program.    There were faithful, loving, dedicated Awana leaders.    The little kids were being taught the Word of God and were being built up in their faith.   


God, why would you allow this to happen??   

Deep in our souls, we each hear God’s answer:   “It’s my will.    It’s my plan.    It’s in my control.”   

Yesterday’s blog post was about how we can’t make the Cottonwood trees “puff” fluff  …  neither can we stop the fluff from “puffing” everywhere  …  nor can we control life.    There are certain things in life we might not like  …  but we have no control.   

We have to surrender.    And let God be God.   

God is the one in control.    And it is His purposes which will prevail.  (Proverbs 19:21)   

As I watch all the Cottonwood seed-puffs floating across … as a fluff-puff “river” on the breeze  …  I can’t help but see those seed-puffs as being all the verses which all the little kids in Awana have memorized.   

Those verses from God’s Word are seeds!    And all those verses of God’s Word are going with all those precious little children!   

There might not be an Awana program  …  but wherever all those precious little children go, those many seeds of God’s Word are going with them!   

Those seeds of God’s Word are just like all that Cottonwood fluff-puff!    Lots and lots and lots of seeds of God’s Word!!    Carried by the “breeze” of the Holy Spirit!!   

Carried by the strong wind-current of the Holy Spirit  …  to far-flung places!!   

God will be glorified!    No matter what!! 

Those precious little children will scatter and go to far-flung places  …  and the “fluff-puff seeds” which have been planted in their hearts will go with them!    And those seeds of God’s Word will take root!    

And those seeds of God’s Word will result to the praise and glory of God!   

“Fluff-puff seeds”  …  carried on the breeze!  

It is the Lord’s purpose which will prevail!