Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

Blessings in the dirt – 2.0

I went on my morning walk of loops around my front drive this morning …  and look what I came across!  …  mushrooms!   

Yes, I know  …  I’ve already shared a photo of mushrooms like these before.    But check out the company they are hanging out with.    They’re mingling with the very same “weeds” of teeny tiny little flowers, which I wrote about yesterday.    How cool is that!    I thought that was totally cool! 

If you zoom in, you might be able to see the miniscule water-droplets of condensation on the mushrooms.    I thought that was cool too!  

Thank you God, for mushrooms hanging out with “weeds” of teeny tiny flowers!  

I learned something new this week  …  I learned that the male and female finch both sit on their nest together!    How cool is that!    I had no idea!  

What made me realize this fact is that as I’ve been walking my loops around the front drive, whenever I come to the spot where the little finch nest is, I often see two birds fly out at the same time.    I’ve never seen anything like this before.  

So I Googled it.    And sure enough  …  Google confirmed that indeed male and female finches both sit on their eggs.    I think that is really neat!  

Thank you God, for daddy and mommy finches who together care for their little eggs in the nest!  

And of course, the highlight of my morning loop-walking was this little chipmunk who scampered across the flowerbed, then stopped and posed just so I could get this photo for you!    Isn’t it cute!  

I see this little chipmunk often!    Whenever I stand at my kitchen sink to do the dishes I usually see it gathering holly berries from the holly tree.    It bounces and scurries here and there all throughout the forest  …  it scampers up the Big Leaf Maples and Cedars  …  it chatters.    It is great fun to watch!   

As I was walking loops around my drive, this little chipmunk was very busy gathering breakfast  …  here  …  and then there  …  and then over there  …  etc.  

Thank you God for cute little chipmunks!  

Thank you God for blessings in the dirt!