

Yesterday I headed outside to do some work in the forest.   As I toted the wheelbarrow across the yard, lo and behold, I came across some mushrooms I had never seen before!    Aren’t they cool! 

I set about my work of digging up ferns for transplanting, and lo and behold … a baby salamander!   Isn’t it adorable! 

When I had first gone outside that morning, and was gathering the wheelbarrow and shovel out of the garden shed, lo and behold a tree crew showed up just across the fence at our neighbor’s place.   How fortuitous!   I’ve been hoping to get some bark chips to help build up the front flower bed. 

So I took advantage of the opportunity and asked the tree crew if it would be possible to have the leftover bark chips when they were done.  They said they would be working over there all day, but when they were finished, they would come by to dump off the chips. 

I was thrilled! 

All morning, as I worked out in the forest, I looked forward with anticipation to my free load of bark chips.   Sure enough, late in the afternoon the truck pulled up and I told them where they could dump the load. 

I am beyond delighted!   It feels like gold! 

Easter was this past Sunday.   Easter-egg hunts are always a highlight of celebrating Easter!   But I think even better than that … perhaps the very best “Easter-egg hunt” of all … are all the many “Easter-egg” surprise blessings God hides throughout our normal ordinary every-days. 

Not everyone will have an “Easter-egg” surprise blessing of coming across a baby salamander … or cool-looking mushrooms!   Or a free load of bark chips!  (to you, that probably wouldn’t rank high up there as being an exciting surprise blessing) 

God’s “Easter-egg” surprise blessings are specially customized for every person! 

Because God loves us so much, He knows exactly what will be special for us … individually.   He knows what matters to us … individually.   He knows exactly the perfect encouragement we need … at just the right moment.   He knows exactly what will cause us to stop in our tracks and be in awe and wonder of Him.

For me, that was a baby salamander … and cool-looking mushrooms … and a free load of bark chips. 

My heart was drawn close to my Creator as I praised God! … and thanked Him for His special surprise blessings just for me.  

Your “Easter-egg” surprise blessings will be completely different than mine! 

They’re there … hidden all throughout our normal everyday lives … “Easter-egg” surprise blessings just waiting to be discovered! 

What “Easter-egg” surprise blessings from God have you happened to find recently?