Yesterday as I was perusing through “This Day in History” photos, I came across photos from 2021 of hubby and my son digging up and fencing our small garden plot. What caught my attention was the small pile of rocks in the foreground … as you can see in the background photo for today.
The rocks had come from the area which we were digging up and preparing for the garden. As we came across rocks in the process, I piled them off to the side.
At the time, I remember thinking that the pile of rocks reminded me of one of my favorite Bible passages – Joshua 4 – which recounts the Israelites crossing the Jordan to enter the Promised Land.
I am particularly fond of this passage because when hubby and I were brand new parents we took a parenting class at our church, and one of the sessions was about this very passage. The lesson from our parenting class was about creating “remembering memorials” in life.
Just as God commanded the Israelites to set up 12 stones to be a memorial for generations to come of what God had done, the teacher of our parenting class encouraged us as parents to set up “remembering memorials” of what God has done in our lives.
I found it curious that not only did I “happen across” the photo of the pile of stones yesterday, but yesterday’s Daily Audio Bible reading “just so happened” to be the exact same passage! Joshua chapters 3 & 4!
As I listened to Brian Hardin read the passage about the Israelites setting up 12 stones as a “remembering memorial” … both on the bank of the Jordan River as well as in the middle of the Jordan River … I was struck with how important it is to remember what God has done!
The past few days I’ve been remembering a lot of hurt. For some reason, those things that are painful have a way of popping up in your mind. You don’t mean to think about them. They just somehow surface … and then, without even realizing it, they wind up re-playing over and over on repeat in your mind.
And before you know it, that’s all you’ve been thinking about for several days. And you find that you are incredibly depressed! The hurt and the pain of the memories feels overwhelming.
You don’t mean to think about such painful memories … but they just swirl around and around … zapping away the joy out of life. Leaving you feeling “stuck.”
That’s where I was the past few days. I was beginning to feel really “stuck.”
But God.
God loves us so much! When we feel “stuck” all we need to do is cry out to God for help.
That’s what I did.
“God, I’m stuck. I’m in this depressed funk and I can’t seem to get out of it. Please help me God!”
Deep in my soul the answer came: I need God’s Word.
So, I went to God’s Word. I went to my podcast and listened to the Daily Audio Bible. And the reading for the day was about the 12 stones as a “remembering memorial.”
Deep in my soul I could hear God telling me: “You need to remember Me. You need to remember what I have done. Don’t remember the pain. Don’t remember the hurt. Remember Me.”
Wow! That is exactly what I needed! I had unconsciously let myself re-play on repeat all the memories of the pain and the hurt. I needed to consciously take control of my thoughts. I needed to consciously choose what I was remembering. I needed to consciously remember what God has done!
In that moment, the depression and sadness immediately lifted. And I began focusing on God. And remembering what God has done!
“Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10:5
“Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way.” – Deuteronomy 8:2
“I will remember the deeds of the LORD; … I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds.” – Psalm 77:11-12
“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” – Colossians 3:2
( If you are looking for a way to get into God’s Word, the Daily Audio Bible is a great way!
Check it out: Daily Audio Bible | A Bible App to Make Daily Reading Easy )
Posted inLife Lessons