The hope of all the ends of the earth

The hope of all the ends of the earth

Last week I was reading Psalm 65 during my morning quiet time with God. 

The psalm states: 
“By awesome deeds You answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation,
the hope of all the ends of the earth.”

Immediately, I thought:  “That’s me!   I’m the one the psalm is talking about!   I’m the one who lives at the ends of the earth!” 

The Pacific Northwest is about as far away on the opposite side of the globe as you can get from the land of Israel!    We are literally the “ends of the earth” compared to Israel.   

Cool!    I’m represented right there in this Psalm! 

A few days later Hubby and I took an adventure over to the Olympic Peninsula.  We, in fact, drove all the way out to Cape Flattery … the furthest most western point in the lower 48 States.  I’ve always wanted to go to Cape Flattery and see the lighthouse!  Yay!  A bucket-list item checked off! 

I stood high on the bluff – at the very western-most end of the United States – with the cold Pacific waters churning below me, dashing on the rocks and through the huge arching caves carved out in the rock beneath my feet. 

The water was the most gorgeous shade of aquamarine blue ever!  (as you can see in the background photo today)    

My mind went back to Psalm 65:  
“O God of our salvation,  
the hope of all the ends of the earth   
and of the farthest seas;”   

I couldn’t help but think:  “That’s here! … right here,  this is ‘the ends of the earth, and the farthest seas.’” 

The psalm continues: 
“The One who by His strength established the mountains …” 

I couldn’t help but think:  “That’s our mountains!  Our mountains are talked about right there in the Bible!” 

The psalm continues: 
“Who stills the roaring of the seas,
the roaring of their waves,   
the tumult of the peoples, …” 

Yes … my people here at “the ends of the earth” need God!  They need the hope God offers.  They need the peace God offers!   Here at “the ends of the earth” God is at work. 

The psalm continues: 
“… so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at Your signs.” 

Yes … God’s glory is very much on display  …  here!  …  here at the “ends of the earth.”   Everywhere you look God’s glory is clearly evident and obvious!  The mighty mountains … surrounding us to the east and to the west!    Volcanoes … sleeping at the moment … but only by the sovereign control of God. 

God is here … at “the ends of the earth”! 

God made this gorgeous corner of the globe! 
God made these mountains!    (and God is keeping them from erupting)  
God made the relentless, restless sea! 

God made it, and God is in absolute and complete control!

And this same God is the One in whom I hope! 

Thank you God for loving me! … and giving me hope! 
Thank you God for Your glory on display everywhere we turn! 
Thank you God for caring about me and my people … here at “the ends of the earth.”