God covers and protects me.

God covers and protects me.

I have been doing a lot of work out in the forest the past few weeks.    Lots of downed limbs and branches needing to be cleaned up.    Lots of blackberry vines needing to be pulled up! 

March is a great time to work out in the forest because the ground is wet and soft from all the winter rains.  The little tufts of roots of the all the bazillions of blackberry runners come up much easier.  However, March is also still partly winter … which means that I’m out there working in the rain … and last week it even hailed for about 20 minutes while I was working. 

Never to fear though – my garden coat covers and protects me! 

It’s actually my hubby’s coat.  He had an extra grubby coat which I claimed as my garden coat.  It’s perfect for working out in the forest because it is big and baggy … which gives me lots of room to move around as I bend and tug and pull, etc. 

My garden coat is waterproof … which means I can work out in the rain, and in the hail, and be just fine. 

My garden coat is warm … which means I can work out in the 34 degrees each morning, and be just fine. 

The covering and protection my garden coat provides is a lot like the covering and protection Jesus Christ is for me.  If I believe that Jesus died for my sins and paid the price for my sin … then I am covered and protected by Jesus! 

I covered by Jesus from eternal punishment.  

But not only that, I am also covered and protected each day that I live on earth … so that I can live my life for Jesus and accomplish the good works God has prepared and planned for me to do. 

Just as my garden coat covers and protects me so that I can accomplish the good work I need to do out in the forest of pulling up blackberry runners, so also Jesus covers and protects me each day so that I can accomplish eternal good work of advancing the Kingdom of God. 

Thank you Jesus for covering and protecting me! 

Thank you Jesus for covering and protecting me so that I can accomplish a lot of good work for Your Kingdom!

“O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge.” – Psalm 57:1