God knows when I need to rest and recover.

God knows when I need to rest and recover.

Yesterday’s blog post was about running hard after God. 

We all know that after a strenuous workout session, a cool down period is necessary. 

I am not a runner, but I enjoy watching YouTube documentaries about endurance marathon runners, who traverse the most rugged terrain, in the most spectacular natural settings in the world.  After each endurance race, a recovery period is needed. 

The same is true when it comes to running hard after God. 

There are seasons in our lives when we push ourselves to our very limit, giving everything we’ve got in serving God!    We reach the end of these seasons absolutely spent!    Depleted!!    Nothing left to give. 

We need a time of rest. 

We need a period of recovery. 

It’s ok.    It’s ok to take the time you need to “recover” after running hard for a season.