My cellphone is really judge-y. It thinks it’s omnipresent … and it thinks it’s omniscient.
If I am shopping at Costco, or wandering endlessly around Home Depot, or simply taking a walk around my neighborhood with my hubby … my cellphone is making notes and keeping track of my physical activity.
If I climb a flight of steps … or go hiking up a tall hill somewhere far away … my cellphone is making notes and keeping track.
My cellphone is creating charts and graphs of my physical activity … comparing … and judging. Letting me know that my physical activity today isn’t as good as whatever I was doing yesterday … or last week … or last month.
It would be tempting to look at the fancy charts and graphs about how my physical activity isn’t good enough, and feel like a failure. To feel like I’m not good enough.
But the thing is … my cellphone doesn’t know everything.
For example … what about when my cellphone isn’t in my pocket when I’m outside doing yard work. It is, in fact, inside … lying on the kitchen counter. (my cellphone isn’t omnipresent after all!!)
My cellphone has no idea just how many times I bent over or squatted down in my efforts to trim back the ferns and yank out nasty sticker bushes! My cellphone has no idea how many calories I burned pulling up carpeted masses of blackberry runners!
My cellphone has no idea how long I was even outside working. (my cellphone isn’t omniscient after all!!)
So, while my cellphone is being all judge-y about my “lack of” physical activity … and creating charts and graphs … I, in fact, got tons of healthy physical activity. And burned tons of calories in the process.
Who is my cellphone to judge.
This description of my cellphone might seem like a silly example, but this exact same thing happens in each of our lives when it comes to feeling judged by other people.
The thing is, other people don’t truly know. They aren’t omnipresent. They aren’t omniscient. They don’t know everything we have been through. They don’t know our hurts, our heartaches, our pain.
They don’t know our hidden struggles. They don’t know our weaknesses. They can’t see the hidden places of our heart.
So who are they to judge.
God … and God alone is my judge. God is the only one who matters.
God knows everything about me. God knows it all … and God loves me! God has seen every tear that I have ever cried. God knows my heartaches, my hurts, my past, my mistakes, my regrets, my hopes, my dreams.
God hears me. God sees me. And God is helping me! God is correcting me. God is instructing me. God is guiding me. God is protecting me. God is sustaining me.
And God is giving me peace!
God alone is my judge.
Posted inLife Lessons What is God like?