Pondering Psalm 1: Meditating …

Pondering Psalm 1:  Meditating …

Psalm 1 says that the blessed person delights in God’s Word … and on God’s Word they meditate day and night.  (Psalm 1:2)   

What does this look like? 

What does it look like to “meditate on God’s Word”? 

*  It could look like writing out meaningful passages of Scripture in your journal. 

*  It could look like writing out meaningful passages of Scripture and posting them somewhere where you will see them often:  bathroom mirror, kitchen fridge, etc. 

*  It could look like having a Scripture verse set as the “Lock Screen” for your phone. 

*  It could look like listening to music with lyrics based on Scripture. 

*  It could look like listening to a Scripture-based podcast or an online sermon. 

* It could look like creating a drawing or a painting, based on a passage of Scripture.

* It could look like creating/writing new music, based on a passage of Scripture.

* It could look like writing a poem or a story, based on a passage of Scripture.

* It could look like hiking in nature, and having passages of Scripture pop into your head with everything you see.

For me personally, this is what “meditating on God’s Word” looks like: 

*  It looks like toting a wheelbarrow-full of wood in the rain … and suddenly having the thought pop into my head – you know, this reminds me a lot of Psalm 91.   

*  It looks like standing at my kitchen sink and noticing the holly tree just outside the kitchen window … and suddenly thinking – you know, this reminds me of Psalm 1. 

*  It looks like seeing a bear paw-print in my flowerbed … and suddenly thinking – you know, this reminds me of Luke 6:43-45. 

* It looks like discovering ice crystals in the garden … and suddenly thinking – you know, this reminds me of Psalm 1 too!

*  It looks like sweeping seeds off my back deck … and suddenly thinking – you know, this reminds me of 2 Corinthians 9:8-10 

What about you?  
What does “meditating on God’s Word” look like for you?