Pondering Psalm 1: Seeds . are . different!

Pondering Psalm 1:  Seeds . are . different!

I was just now outside, sweeping off the back deck.  Maple seeds get stuck down in the cracks of the deck … lots of maple seeds!    And right now it seems there’s a lot of hemlock seeds all over the place too. 

It suddenly struck me:  You know, seeds are all different.  


But as I’ve been pondering Psalm 1, and how the blessed person is fruitful  …  it suddenly occurred to me just now that the fruit / seeds which the Holy Spirit produces in each of our lives is different.  Just like the seeds on my deck are different. 

Maple seeds don’t look anything at all like hemlock seeds.  You can see this in the background photo. 

So also, in the same way, the spiritual fruit/seeds which the Holy Spirit is producing in my life isn’t going to look anything at all like the spiritual fruit/seeds in your life.  And the spiritual fruit/seeds which the Holy Spirit is producing in your life, isn’t going to look anything at all like mine or anybody else’s fruit. 

The spiritual fruit which the Holy Spirit produces in each of our lives is uniquely specific to us.  How cool is that! 

Additionally, the way in which maple seeds scatter is totally uniquely … compared to the way hemlock seeds scatter.    God has specifically designed maple seeds to scatter like little helicopters … spiraling all over the place!  Hence … the shape and design of the seed itself is specific for the end-purpose of scattering. 

The shape and design of hemlock seeds is unique for their own specific way of scattering. 

In the same way, the fruit/seeds which the Holy Spirit produces in our lives is also uniquely designed for the specific way God wants to scatter those seeds from our life … out to the world. 

I think that is so cool!!    I don’t have to worry about being like anybody else!    

I don’t have to worry that the spiritual fruit/seeds in my life doesn’t look exactly like the spiritual fruit/seeds in someone else’s life.    It’s not supposed to!    The Holy Spirit is doing something specifically unique in my life. 

I don’t have to worry that the way in which my spiritual seeds scatter is not exactly the same as the way other people scatter spiritual seeds from their life.    It’s not supposed to be the same.  The Holy Spirit has designed my seeds to scatter in a specifically unique way …  to specifically unique places … which have specifically unique needs. 

Thank you God for giving me totally unique spiritual fruit/seeds! 

Thank you that I can celebrate the unique and special way You are working in my life  …  without having to worry about how You are working in someone else’s life.

2 Corinthians 9:8-10
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: ‘He has scattered abroad His gifts to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.’ Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”