Pondering Psalm 1: Is there any evidence?

Pondering Psalm 1:  Is there any evidence?

Behind my house, the backyard drops away into a steep ravine.  Today’s background photo is a view down into the ravine.  If you look closely, you will notice that enormous Cedars, Fir trees, and Big Leaf Maples are growing up out of the ravine far below … stretching past me … and reaching high into the sky!  

The ravine is very very green!! 

The trees are very green! 

Moss heavily drapes the branches of the Big Leaf Maples … adding to the green effect! 

The ravine is well-watered!    Because, of course, it rains all the time here.  (Ha!)   Today it has not been raining per-se, but fog has been hanging heavy in the air all day!  The forest all around has been dripping moisture all day. 

Far down at the bottom of the ravine, water rushes.  You can hear it rushing whenever you step out onto the back deck.  It is such a happy sound!  I love to hear the rushing water down in the ravine. 

You can’t see it … it’s too far down.  But you can hear it! 

It sings as it rushes! 

In the dark of night … when I step outside to grab another log to add to the fire … the water is singing!   

In the foggy mid-morning … when all is muffled and quiet in the heavy dense fog … the water is singing! 

On sunny weekends, as hubby and I are out and about … the water is singing! 

Everyone wants to be blessed.   

Psalm 1 says that the blessed person is like the well-watered ravine behind my house.  The trees are happy and healthy because they are well-watered.  The moss draping branches everywhere is vibrant green because it is well-watered. 

So also, in the same way, the blessed person will be happy and spiritually healthy only as their soul is well-watered with God’s Word. 

God’s Word meets us at our lowest places … and meets our deepest needs. 

God’s Word encourages us when we are weary! 
God’s Word heals us when our heart is broken. 
God’s Word comforts us when we are sad. 

God’s Word instructs us when we aren’t sure what to do. 
God’s Word counsels us when we are confused. 

God’s Word supports and steadies us, so we are able to “stand strong” in heavy winds. 
God’s Word nourishes our soul so we can “grow tall.”

The evidence of God’s Word in someone’s life is obvious  …  just as the evidence of water is obvious in the green green ravine behind my house. 

And the song of the rushing water!    If someone’s life is well-watered with God’s Word, then in the same way, their life will be filled with the “song” of the “rushing water.” 

In the darkest of nights … in dark places of hard times … the “song” can be heard.  The “song” of the “rushing water” … the “song” of  peace, patience, kindness. 

When all of life feels lost in the heavy dense “fog” of uncertainty and fear  …  through the fog, the “song” can be heard.  The “song” of the “rushing water” …  the “song” of love,  joy,  faithfulness,  self-control. 

Everyone wants to be blessed
And many people claim to love God’s Word. 

If you claim to love God’s Word … is there any evidence?? 

Does your life have any evidence of vibrant, dynamic, changing growth??  

When the stormy winds blow, is your life solid and steady?? 

In the darkest of nights … can others hear the “song” of the “rushing water” flowing through your life? 

In the fog of fear and uncertainty … can others hear the “song” … the “song” of love  … the “song” of joy  … the “song” of peace?? 

Psalm 1:2-3 – “The blessed person delights in God’s Word, and on God’s Word they meditate day and night.  They will be like a tree planted by streams of water.”