A sparkle from far away!

A sparkle from far away!

I was sitting at the dining room table enjoying my Buffalo Bleu chips for lunch, while just outside a little hummingbird was at the feeder enjoying its lunch … when suddenly the sun came out from behind the grey clouds and blinded the world with its brilliance!! 

Immediately my eye was caught by a shimmering, dancing, blue sparkle, way far away across the yard  …   it was a tiny little raindrop, high up on a branch in a tree at the edge of the ravine. 

I sat there in awe, captivated by the beautiful blue shimmering sparkle!! 

For only a brief moment the blue sparkle shimmered and danced, catching flashes of other colors  …  then … the sun disappeared behind the grey clouds … and the brilliant blue sparkle was gone!    All the world was once again a sullen grey color. 

I sat frozen in place  …  still in awe!   That brilliant blue sparkle was amazing! 

It was just a tiny little raindrop. 

It was way far away … and it was way high up. 

But it was so beautiful!  …  the way it sparkled with such brilliant color was amazing! 

My immediate “blink” reaction was:  That right there is what it is like to be a Christian.  We are just tiny little raindrops.  Nothing much really.  Nothing special really.  Here … there … on normal ordinary branches. 

And then the brilliance of Jesus shines out from behind the grey clouds of life, and the light of Jesus catches our “raindrop” … and our lives “sparkle” with Jesus’s radiance!    

We don’t even realize it.  We’re just a normal ordinary “raindrop”, hanging from a normal ordinary branch, on any normal ordinary day. 

We have no idea that someone  …  someone far away  …  someone going about their normal everyday business  …  someone’s attention is suddenly caught by the brilliant “sparkle” of Jesus  shining through our lives! 

We have no idea.    We’re just doing what God made us to do … we’re just a “raindrop” hanging from a normal ordinary branch, on any normal ordinary day. 

But someone just saw the brilliant amazing “sparkle” of Jesus!   The beautiful light and radiance of Jesus left them filled with wonder … and in awe! 

If you are a Christian, then you are a “raindrop” … and the brilliant light of Jesus is shining through your life in a beautiful, amazing way! 

You may not feel it … you may not notice it … but someone, somewhere is watching your shimmering sparkle, from far away.