Wobbly Stacks

Wobbly Stacks

I was out in the woodshed gathering more firewood to take around to the back of the house, to refill our wood-box storage-bin on the back deck. 

With each piece of firewood I removed from the stacks, I was acutely aware of the need to be careful … for if I was not careful, I might accidentally cause the stacks to fall over on me … which would result in serious injury! 

As I worked, the verse popped into my mind:  “ … you are God’s people … built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone.”  – Ephesians 2:19-20 

It is important how we build the “stacks” … especially when it comes to our life.  The firewood stack I was pulling from was slightly wobbly.  Not too bad … but wobbly enough that I knew I needed to be very careful. 

When it comes to life, it seems that everyone is “pulling firewood from our stack.”   Our workload is demanding and “takes” from us … our coworkers “take” from us … the clients and customers with whom we work “take” from us … our kids “take” from us … the inevitable challenges and complications of life “take” from us.  Everyone and everything is taking from us!! 

How have we built the “stack” of our life?? 

Have we built the “stack” of our life with a solid base?  Have we been careful, over the years, as we’ve built our “stack” higher and higher?  …  have we been intentional and deliberate about how we are building the “stack” of our life?? 

Or have we just thrown our “stack” together? 

Life will “take” from us!   Everyone will “take” from us … continually.   It’s going to happen. 

When everyone inevitably begins “pulling firewood from your stack” … how will your “stack” hold up?? 

“Wobbly stacks” might do ok at first … but eventually it will reach a point that “wobbly stacks” don’t have the stability to stand up anymore. 

“Wobbly stacks” eventually will come toppling over! 

What would happen if the entire stack of firewood (taller than myself) were to come crashing down on me in the woodshed? 

The damage would be catastrophic!   Serious injury would occur! 

The same thing is true in life.    If we have not built the “stack” of our life with a solid base, and in a solid way, eventually the “stack” of our life will come “crashing down” … and the result will be catastrophic damage!  …  and serious injury!  …  particularly to those who are closest in relationship with us. 

How are you building the “stack” of your life?? 

Is your life “stack” wobbly??   If so, you need the solid, firm foundation of Jesus Christ.  Jesus can help you build a solid, stable “stack”  … one which will endure and stand strong. 

Matthew 7:24-27