Love Sound

Love Sound

I was enjoying a chocolate bar given to me by my daughter, when I noticed on the back wrapper, in small print, a statement that this chocolate bar was infused with a 528 hz love sound frequency to raise my vibe. 

I was intrigued. 

I had never heard of such a thing.   So, I Googled it. 

The top Google results informed me the following, concerning 528 hz:   “miracle healing frequency” …  it increases positive thoughts and feelings … positively influences and repairs our DNA. 

My immediate “blink” reaction is that we are all made in the image of God … and God is a relational God … therefore God has made us relational. 

Therefore, any “love sound” which will “raise our vibe” is not going to come from an inanimate monotone frequency … but rather from our relationships with each other.  Any healing of our deep-down core soul (even down to our DNA) is going to come through relationship with our God … and with each other. 

For example, this past weekend my son came over and spent Friday evening enthusiastically sharing about his recent trip to Thailand.  He didn’t use one particular tone or frequency.  His enthusiastic excitement encompassed a whole range of tones and frequencies!   He showed us photos of his trip to Thailand … and he brought over all kinds of fun, exciting snacks for us from Thailand. 

The entire experience definitely “raised my vibe” … and I felt lots of love!  Because the entire experience was about relationship!   Relationship with my son! 

My son loved us and made a point to intentionally bring back special snacks so we could experience a little bit of Thailand too.  My son loved us and shared his photos with us so we could experience a little bit of his trip too.  The “love sound” is the sound of relationship! 

Additionally on Friday evening, my daughter had a work team-building event … her team went to a pie-making class together.  The background photo for today shows the pie my daughter made especially for us at the pie-making event. 

As my daughter enthusiastically shared with us what a great time her team had together at the team-building event … my “vibe” was definitely raised!  … and her enthusiastic recounting of their good time together was definitely a “love sound”! 

I’m pretty sure the Dutch Apple Pie she made for us was “infused” with the “love sound” of her team joking and laughing together as they all made their pies alongside each other at the team-building event.  The “love sound” is the sound of relationship! 

The Bible has a lot to say about love.  According to the Bible, what does the “love sound”  sound like?? 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of patience … within a relationship. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of kindness … within relationships  (the sound of kindness extended to the clerk at the store, extended to our coworkers, to our loved ones in our home). 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship free from jealousy, envy, or comparison. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship free from arrogance, pride, one-upping, boasting, etc.  

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship free from belittling, demeaning, disrespect, rudeness, etc. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship in which each person seeks the well-being of each other. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship free from griping, complaining, negativity, discontent, etc. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship free from anger, rage, slander, accusation, etc. 

*  The “love sound” is the sound of a relationship which does not keep records of wrongs.  The “love sound” is the sound of forgiveness … and acceptance. 

If you are seeking healing … if you are seeking a “positive vibe” … if you are looking for a “love sound” … the only true, healing miracle “love sound” is found in relationship. 

Relationship with God … and safe, loving relationship with others. 

I Corinthians 13:4-7