It takes effort … to “build a bridge”

It takes effort … to “build a bridge”

The Bible encourages us to: “Live in Peace with each other.”  This requires intentionality to “build a bridge” (relationally) with others.

The bridge in our background photo is located several miles into the hike up to Lake Serene (in the Cascades).  Effort is required just to reach this bridge on the hike.  Imagine the amount of effort that was required to haul all the building materials back in here to this location.  And then the effort to build this bridge.

It takes the same amount of effort when it comes to building relational bridges.  It’s hard work!  Some relationships wind up taking us on a long, hard hike!  But God wants us to put the effort in that’s required.

“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:3