Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface

I have never had a reason to go beneath the deck during a heavy snow.  Nor has the thought ever occurred to me. 

However, as I was carrying an armload of firewood around the house to the back, from out of the corner of my eye I noticed hundreds of sparkling icicles hanging beneath the deck. 

Of course I had to take a detour to check it out. 

As I oogled over all the beautiful icicles, I couldn’t help but think how we never know what is “beneath the surface” of someone’s life. 

Many people whom we meet and interact with might seem to have cold, icy demeanors and exteriors … much like the top of the deck covered in deep snow.  However, “beneath the surface”  God might be doing a work in their life every bit as amazing as the hundreds of sparkling icicles beneath the deck. 

You never know what God is doing in someone else’s life and heart. 

You never know what is “beneath the surface.”