A grounded kite

A grounded kite

In today’s background photo you can see hubby and me, as I am trying in vain to get a kite into the air.  It was Thanksgiving week, so the thought of “relationships” was on my mind.   

Probably most of us have had a relationship in our life which has been a lot like this kite.  No matter how hard we try, the relationship just won’t fly.  We give, and we give, and we give.  We try … and try … and try.  But no matter how much effort we put into the relationship, it always seems to jerk awkwardly at the end of the string … then nosedive into the sand. 

A few blog posts ago I talked about flying a kite at the beach.  (Gratitude Challenge: Simple things you are grateful for (dailyblessing.us)   I shared the analogy how the kite is like our life, and the wind is like the power of the Holy Spirit which fills our life and takes it soaring. 

Last week, as I tried in vain to get the kite launched into the air, the obvious problem was that there was not enough wind.  There simply was no wind to catch and fill the kite … and carry it high. 

So also, when it comes to those relationships in our life which seem to be nothing but “nosedives into the sand” the problem is most likely that the power of the Holy Spirit  (the “wind” of the Holy Spirit)  is not present in their life. 

Because the power of the Holy Spirit is not present in their life, no amount of effort or trying on our part will ever get the relationship “airborne.”     The Holy Spirit needs to fill their life with the “wind” of His power … and in order for this to happen, they must surrender the “kite” of their life to Him. 

We might stand on the beach all day long, for weeks on end, trying to get the relational “kite” airborne … but in the end, all our efforts will be futile.   Ultimately it is up to the other person to allow the “wind” of the Holy Spirit to take their “kite” and fill it. 

There is nothing we can do … but pray for them. 

And so, just like I did last week with my kite on the beach … we must let go of the trying and the work and the effort.  We must surrender the relational “kite” to Jesus … and to the Holy Spirit. 

And so we pray!