Gratitude Challenge: What made you smile today?

Gratitude Challenge:  What made you smile today?

Each morning I drag myself out of bed and head to the kitchen to fix breakfast for hubby and myself. 

And each morning, one of the first things I do is open my tea cupboard … to be greeted with this scene. 

My tea cupboard holds an assortment of very special and meaningful mugs, given to me by those who love me most.  The two special “Joy” mugs spotlighted in today’s background photo are my favorites … given to me by my son and my daughter, on completely different occasions.  (I’ll leave it to you to guess which mug was given by my son and which was given by my daughter … haha!) 

When I see my special “Joy” mugs each morning … I can’t help but smile! 

Additionally, my tea cupboard has a wide variety of different teas.  The ones spotlighted in the photo are three special teas hubby got for me recently when we went to an Arts & Crafts Festival.  That day was a delightfully sunny fall day, and we happened across the most fabulous little tea stand.  The lady was British, and she makes all her own tea blends.  Hubby and I had a wonderful time chatting with her, and hearing all about the little tea shop she used to run before starting her own tea-blend business.  Her company is called:  The Fancy Accent Tea Company.  If you enjoy teas, you might like to check out her website:  

Choosing a special tea each morning brings up wonderful memories of time spent with my hubby.  As I think of his love for me … I can’t help but smile! 

If you look closely at my tea cupboard, you might also notice a tiny brown gift-sack with my name written on it.  This was a gift from my dear friend Janie.  I used to go over to Janie’s house every Monday morning for prayer time and Coffee & Chit-Chat.  She had the most delicious Salted Caramel tea which I loved.  One random Monday morning, when I showed up, she gave me this little brown gift-sack with several packets of my favorite Salted Caramel tea which I liked so much.  It was just a little act of love … but it meant the world to me! 

Each morning when I open my tea cupboard and see this little gift-sack from my dear friend, I think fondly of her! … and I can’t help but smile! 

What about you?  What made you smile today?