

At any large sporting event, in any large arena or stadium, there is a thing called the “Fan-Cam.”   Throughout the sporting event, multiple giant big-screens are busy showing live-action footage, Replays, Special Highlight Features, etc. …  

But what to do when there is a time-out and there’s nothing interesting to show?  That’s where the “Fan-Cam” comes in.  

During the game, behind the scenes, the “Fan Camera” has been perusing the audience to find especially interesting fans to highlight.  Then when there is a lull in the action, the “Fan-Cam” comes alive with zoom-in’s on these different individuals in the stands. 

Most of the time people love being on the “Fan-Cam” … they usually go crazy waving and jumping up and down! Normally the zoom-in’s focus on adorable little children, oogly-googly couples, or quirky funny people. 

The funniest I’ve ever seen was at a basketball game … the “Fan-Cam” found an oogly-googly couple high up in the “nosebleed section” of the arena.  This particular couple was so focused on each other that they never realized they were being spotlighted on the “Fan-Cam.”  The entire arena thought it was hilarious … and throughout the entire game the “Fan-Cam” kept coming back to this couple … and yet they never, not once, noticed. 

The Seahawks game which hubby and I were recently given tickets to happened to be the day before Halloween … so there were all kinds of fun and interesting people for the “Fan-Cam” to zoom-in on:  “Thing 1 & Thing 2” from Dr. Seuss;  “Mustard & Ketchup” (very clever!);  Mario & Luigi;  a “Slice of Pizza”;  etc. …  

To be honest, I have a healthy respect and fear of the “Fan-Cam.”  It’s a bit unnerving thinking that the “Fan-Cam” might be watching me at any point during the game … while I have no idea … and that at any point I might be highlighted on the big-screen, in front of the entire stadium! … when I’m least expecting it. 

When it comes to being a Christian … we are being watched in the same way.  If we wave the banner of Jesus, people are watching us.  They are watching us when we have no idea.  They are watching us when we least expect it.  Our behavior is on display, front and center! 

In the past, I have seen the “Fan-Cam” zoom in on people picking their nose.  Embarrassing for that poor person!  One couple was having a seriously heated discussion!  What do people see when they watch our lives … and we have no idea anyone is looking? 

“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.”  – Ephesians 5:15 

If you claim to be a Christian … if you wave the banner of Jesus … be assured you are being watched.