All I can carry is a little load of firewood

All I can carry is a little load of firewood

I want to circle back around to the topic of bearing one another’s burdens. 

A few years ago, a friend of mine went through a devastating tragedy.  Her burden was very heavy!  I wanted to reach out to her, to support and encourage her … but I was scared to … because I had never been through such a devastating tragedy.  I didn’t know what to say.  I was scared I might say the wrong thing. 

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of God calling people to do something … and they aren’t sure how.  In many instances, God asks them:  What’s in your hand?  (Moses – Exodus 4:1-5;  Gideon – Judges 6:14-16;  the Disciples and the Feeding of the 5,000 – Matthew 14:16-18) 

The same thing happened with me.  God asked me:  “What do you have?   Share that.” 

So, just as I went out in the dark, cold early morning two days ago to carry armloads of firewood …  so also, in the same way, several years ago I gathered up a load of “firewood” to add to my friend’s “empty wood-box” … to hopefully encourage her broken heart. 

It didn’t seem like much.  Her loss was so great!  Her burden so heavy. 

“But God …” I worried, “… all I can carry is a little armload of ‘firewood.’  It’s not much.  Her need is so great.  Does this little armload of ‘firewood’ even matter?” 

God told me to keep carrying armloads of “firewood” to add to her “empty wood-box.”  So I did. 

Her loss was great … but as it turned out, so also was her support structure of solid strong Christian community.  Many, many others were also carrying armloads of “firewood” to add to her “empty wood-box.”  It was an amazing thing to watch!   Each of us gave what little armload we could carry … and with all of our armloads of “firewood” together, the “fuel” for her soul was being amply supplied so that she could face each new day … and each new week. 

I then began to worry: “God, what if something tragic like that happened to me??  I don’t have as many friends as she does.  I don’t have a support structure like she has.   God, if you asked me to bear that kind of burden, I don’t know how I would ever do it!” 

And God told me:  “But I haven’t given you that burden to bear.  I gave her that burden to bear because I am doing something completely different in her life  …  and as such, I have purposefully provided the support she needs to be able to stand up under that burden.  If I ever do give you a burden that heavy, I will also provide a way for you too.  But for now, don’t worry … and just keep carrying armloads of “firewood” for her “wood-box.” 

When God calls us to help “bear one another’s burdens” this oftentimes requires repeated trips back and forth to and from the “woodshed” of our life, gathering armload after armload of “firewood” from what the Holy Spirit has provided for us. 

Armload after armload after armload.  Trip after trip after trip … to and from the “woodshed” … carrying whatever it is the Holy Spirit gives us to share. 

Some people, whom God calls us to help bear their burdens … their burden only requires one armload of “firewood.” 

Others whom God calls us to help bear their burdens … their burden requires multiple trips, with countless armloads of “firewood.”  This requires that we be faithful!  Staying the course … being a faithful friend and encourager through the long haul. 

Who has God called you to, to help bear their burden? 

Don’t worry if your armload isn’t as much as someone else’s armload of “firewood.”  Give what you have.  Share what God has given you … in the capacity He has given you.  And be faithful to stay the course … no matter how long it takes.