This wildflower meadow isn’t as beautiful as that one!

This wildflower meadow isn’t as beautiful as that one!

The last weekend of July hubby and I hiked the slopes at Paradise, Mt. Rainier, enjoying the alpine wildflowers.  The very next weekend, the first weekend in August, hubby and I hiked the slopes of Mt. Baker on our way to Park Butte Lookout. 

In both instances the alpine meadows were at a high elevation.  In both instances the alpine meadows were just below stunning snow-covered summits.  And in both instances, the alpine wildflowers were in full bloom! 

Yet … the alpine meadows were vastly different. 

I had expected them to be the same.  I had expected vast expanses of purple lupines, fiery red paintbrush, and slopes covered in beargrass. 

But no … the high alpine meadows of Mt. Baker were covered in pink mountain-heather (as you can see in our background photo today). 

Relationships are similar to high alpine meadows.  The social circles and friend groups God gives us are each uniquely different. 

Because of this, it can be very hard when God moves us from one social circle, friend group … to a new social circle; a totally new group of friends. 

The immediate reaction is to compare.  To look back at that former social circle, that former friend group and focus on all the wonderful aspects of those relationships! 

But … if we are so focused on looking back at how wonderful the former social circle was, the former friend group … it will make us blind to the unique beauty right in front of us … with the new opportunity for building new relationships with new friends. 

These new friends are going to be different!  It’s ok. 

This new social circle will not be what the former social circle used to be.  It’s ok. 

In fact, this new friend group/social circle will probably do things which we find downright annoying … simply because it’s not like it was before. 

But hang in there.  Give it a chance. 

We must consciously make the deliberate decision to open our hands and our heart to the new memories and opportunities which are awaiting right here in this new alpine meadow.  There is beauty right here … even if it is different than what it used to be … or what we were expecting! 

Don’t compare wildflower meadows.  Each meadow is uniquely special!  Each meadow has a unique place for our heart! 

Thank you God, for every alpine meadow … even if this is different! 

Thank you God, for every opportunity for brand new relationships!  (even if, initially, this feels really hard right now!)