Burs on the soul

Burs on the soul

As I was weeding a particularly overrun corner of the yard, I noticed that each reach of my gloved hand resulted in an array of burs clinging on tight.  I stopped momentarily to pick the burs from my glove, then continued … only to be presented with yet another array of new burs. 

There were so many burs that I finally gave up de-burring my glove and just finished the job. 

I then turned to work in another area of the yard … only to suddenly realize that my glove still had burs clinging on!  I had almost transported all those weed seeds to a perfectly fine, “uncontaminated” part of the yard. 

Burs on the soul are much the same. 

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I have lost most of my close friendships this summer.  The social circle hubby and I have been a part of the past couple of years has included many wonderful friends and friendships.  Hubby and I have enjoyed having most of these dear friends over to our home, and I have enjoyed going out for weekly coffee with these wonderful friends.  Connections have been built and many special memories have been made. 

However, earlier this summer hubby and I became aware of some ethical discrepancies occurring … these were in relation to a couple of key influencers in our social circle.  Some very clear ethical lines were being crossed.  The Holy Spirit convicted hubby and me that this was wrong. 

When it comes to the “relational gardens” of our lives, it can be complicated to know how to deal with “weeds” of sin. 

Just like my weeding efforts this summer, each reach of our hand to those with whom we are in relationship results in an array of “burs” clinging on tight to our soul. 

These “burs” have the potential to sprout seeds of frustration in our souls.  They can sprout seeds of anger, distrust, indignation, bitterness. 

Furthermore, if we are not careful, we wind up carrying these “burs” into the perfectly fine, uncontaminated “relational gardens” of our other friends.  The burs of frustration and distrust get sprinkled in the soil of their souls.  Pretty soon “weeds” of bitterness are sprouting all over the place and taking over of everyone’s soul.  Everywhere we look the “relational gardens” are full of weeds! 

What to do with the burs??    What to do with “weeds” of sin within relationships?? 

When it comes to sin, the Bible is very clear that we must stay away from sin.  If the sin is in our own personal life, we must confess it to God and get rid of it.  But what if the sin is in someone else’s life??  What then?? 

Unrepentant sin in the life of someone with whom we are in relationship requires separation … distance. 

Therefore, hubby and I (led by the Holy Spirit’s direction) parted ways with our social circle this summer.  We lost many close friendships.  It was very hard!  It was very painful!  These dear friends were not the ones with “weeds” of sin in their lives.  It wasn’t their fault. 

Hubby and I would love to stay connected with these dear friends.  But for now, a degree of distance needs to be maintained … while we take the time to remove the “burs” from our soul.  We care too deeply about our dear friends to accidently spread “burs” into their lives … thereby causing “weeds” of bitterness or frustration to take over the garden of their soul. 

Watch out for burs!  Watch out for burs on your soul. 

If burs are starting to infect and affect your heart with bitterness, frustration, anger, hate, gossip, slander, etc…  … then ask the Holy Spirit to help you remove them.  Take the time you need to pick the burs off. 

And when it comes to the relationships in your life … be careful not to accidentally spread burs. Protect the hearts of those with whom you are in relationship … even if it means you lose some close friendships for a season. 

Watch out for burs!