What to do with the grief

What to do with the grief

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I lost most of my close friendships this summer.  It was hard … and painful.  What to do with the grief?? 

The last two weekends the air has been choked with wildfire smoke!  Thick and heavy!  You step outside and it feels as if you are breathing campfire smoke.  Your lungs feel heavy!  You have a headache. 

Glancing out the window I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by all the ash particles floating along on the breeze.  I was mesmerized by the layer of ash which collected on the car. 

The wildfire which is causing all this smoke is actually quite close … the area of the Cascades which is burning is where my daughter and I hiked to Heybrook Lookout just a few weeks ago.  My heart has been filled with sadness and grief about the forest burning … the very forest where my daughter and I had such a wonderful time hiking together and building special memories! 

What to do with the grief??  Has Heybrook Lookout been destroyed in the blaze??  Is the whole area nothing but charred burned skeletal remnants of a once grand and lush forest?? 

What to do with the grief?? 

This is how it feels when we lose relationships/friendships in our life!  All the time spent together with these wonderful friends, building so many special memories!  When we lose relationships/friendships it feels as if the once beautiful “forest” has been decimated to nothing but charred burned skeletal remains.  What to do with the grief?? 

I have found that the best way to deal with grief is to worship.  Therefore, last week, as I was processing my grief over the forest burning (and my corresponding grief about lost relationships/friendships), I created a series of verse-art posts on the 23rd Psalm. 

The background photo for Psalm 23:1-2 was from a hike hubby and I took with our daughter to Barclay Lake … lots of fond memories!  This entire area is directly in the burn zone!  Has it been destroyed??  I don’t know.  But creating the verse-art graphic was a way for me to actively claim Psalm 23:1-2:  “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.” 

Worship through the grief – God, You are my shepherd … You are taking care of me.  God, I trust You! 

The background photo for the verse-art Psalm 23:3 was the trail my daughter and I hiked up to Heybrook Lookout.  The background photo for Psalm 23:4 was the view from Heybrook Lookout.  This entire area is in the burn zone! 

Worship through grief – God, You lead me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.  No matter what, God, I rest in the knowledge that You are in control … and I choose to trust You!   

Worship through grief – Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (including the loss of relationships/friendships) I will not be afraid … because, God, I know You are with me.  And I trust you God, that You will comfort me. 

The background photos for the verse-art Psalm 23:5 and Psalm 23:2-3 were both at Deception Falls, just a few miles up the road from Heybrook Lookout.  My daughter and I rested by the water here after our hike up to the lookout.  Once again, this area is directly in the burn zone! 

Worship through grief – God, I trust that You will provide for me … You will make my “cup overflow.”  God, I trust You! 

Worship through grief – God, I trust that You will calm my soul like these still quiet waters.  God, I trust that You will restore! 

When you face grief … especially when it comes to relationships/friendships … worship your way through the grief!  Claim God’s promises!  Hang on to who God is! 

God is good … we can trust Him!