A Great Relationship Supports

A Great Relationship Supports

We all need support.   

Life is hard!  In some way or another, we all need support. 

This past July, when the warmth of the sun finally arrived, the beans in the garden began growing.  We had planted “runner” beans … therefore, they need some sort of support structure to climb up. 

However, I was distracted helping hubby split logs.  I did not have time to go take a look at the garden.  The garden was temporarily forgotten. 

When I finally thought to go check on the garden, I discovered all the little bean plants were attempting to grow like they were meant to … they were sending out runners everywhere.  But … there was no support. 

In every instance, each runner had spread out across the ground, looking for support up which to grow … only to wind up withering and dying off at the end.  You can see this very thing in the background photo.  This runner had the potential of growing long and producing a great harvest of beans.  Yet it was unable to find support … so it withered and died off at the end. 

Our relationships with each other are like this! 

God has made us each to do amazing things … we are made to grow and produce a great harvest for Him!  But we can’t do this by growing across the ground.  We can only do this as we grow upward!  We need a support structure up which we can grow … if we are going to be able to do the great things God has called us to. 

We need each other! 

If we do not have a support structure, up which we can grow, the “vine” of our life will wither just like in the photo … and all the wonderful potential which God has planned for our life, and for our relationships with each other, is lost! 

We are each called to be that support structure for those with whom we are in relationship! 

Perhaps you might not feel like you have any “support” to offer anyone else. 

Perhaps you might not feel competent or “qualified” to “support” someone else. 

Perhaps, as a parent, you have no clue what you’re doing and you have no idea how to “support” your children (or perhaps your spouse … or perhaps your close friend who is going through a hard time).  You look around and see other people and what they are doing.  And you think to yourself, “Wow, look at them!  The support structure they are providing is impressive.  I could never do that.” 

When it comes to the people who need us, our support for them doesn’t need to be fancy … it doesn’t need to look impressive.  It just needs to support. 

The beans in my garden needed support … so I grabbed some unused tomato cages and placed them around the beans.  The tomato cages are not fancy.  They are not impressive.  They aren’t even designed for runner beans.  But they do the job!  They are supporting the beans!  The beans are climbing up the tomato cages and sending out lots of new runners!  There are lots of blooms! … and lots of new growth! … and lots of little beans setting on.  All because there was support! 

That’s each one of us!  The people with whom we are in relationship need us!  They need our support!  Our support doesn’t need to be fancy.  It doesn’t need to be impressive looking.  It can be whatever we have to give. 

Give whatever it is you have, to support those in your life.  It might not be much, but you’ll be surprised the impact it will have in the lives of those you care about! 

A great relationship supports!