Thought Zapper!

Thought Zapper!

Hubby and I have recently discovered a brilliant item to help us in our log-splitting efforts … an electronic bug-zapper “tennis racket.”  You put batteries in the handle, then when you press a small button on the side of the handle, the wires across the surface of the “tennis racket” become charged with a small electrical current.  If mosquitoes are flying around annoying you, just wave the “tennis racket” and voila! … the biting nuisance is no more!   Genius! 

Each evening after dinner, as I go outside to help hubby split logs, I make sure to take our “tennis racket” bug-zapper.  The mosquitoes hover relentlessly while I push the log-splitter buttons, and I can’t help but think how the thoughts which pop into our heads are sometimes like those annoying mosquitoes. 

Have you ever been going about your business, doing whatever it is you are doing … and out of the blue, for no reason, a pesky thought pops into your head of some annoying thing which the person whom you care about does.  It’s not much really.  Just a tiny little thought buzzing around inside your head … of that annoying thing they do which absolutely irritates you. 

The thought buzzes around and around in your head for a while … and then, before you know it, another thought has joined it … of something else that person does which irritates you!  Before you know it, you’ve spent an hour obsessing and being annoyed at the very person for whom you care about very much. 

What you need is a Thought Zapper! 

The next time a pesky thought pops into your head and starts buzzing around … stop … and take a good look at it.  And say to yourself:  “That is an ugly thought!” 

Then Zap! that ugly thought by deliberately choosing to think of something for which you are grateful, regarding the person whom you care about.  Think of the wonderful things about that person.  Think of all the things you appreciate about them.  

A little bit later … you are going about your business … and another pesky thought pops into your head. 

Stop.  Take a look at it and say:  “That is an ugly thought!”  Then Zap! it with a grateful thought. 

A Thought Zapper is a wonderful thing to keep close by!  Don’t tolerate pesky, ugly thoughts getting in your head and buzzing around.  Zap! those ugly thoughts with thoughts of gratitude! 

2 Corinthians 10:5 – “ … take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”