Meander through the meadows

Meander through the meadows

The Park Butte Lookout Trail crosses several high alpine meadows.  At various times in the past, hikers have abandoned the trail to meander through the meadows … leaving traces of vague paths which crisscross the meadows here and there.  In an effort to protect the meadows, signs have now been posted at many of these vague paths indicating: “This is not a trail.” 

Relationships are like a journey.  As we travel along on our relational path together, we come across “meadow” opportunities which call to be explored.  So, we start to leave the pre-determined relational path … only to discover that the high-controlling person with whom we are in relationship forbids us to do so!  

That is not the way they expected the relationship to go! 

The relationship must follow their path … it must go according to their way! 

But the thing is, relationships are not like alpine meadows.  Relationships are meant to meander through the “meadows” of life.  Meandering through the “meadows” is what results in some of the most memorable experiences!  Meandering through the “meadows” is what builds relationships, deepens trust, and binds hearts together! 

When it comes to high-controlling individuals, if the relationship does not follow their path, then they refuse to walk the path of relationship altogether!   And so, one person in the relationship ventures into the “meadows” of life … while the high-controlling individual remains firmly planted on the pre-determined path, unwilling to budge!  If the relationship is not according to their way, they aren’t willing to have a relationship at all! 

Meanwhile, the one who has ventured into the “meadows” calls out for them to come join them … there is so much beauty!  There is so much to discover!  There are so many memories to make!  There is so much to explore together! 

Just beyond the hill the vista is amazing!  Come!  Come join me in the “meadows” … just look at all the wonderful places our relationship can go from here! 

But no … the high-controlling individual remains unmoving … unbudging … unwilling to try … unwilling to put forth any effort at all.  Control is the only thing that matters!  

Nothing kills a relationship like control-issues. 

Let your relationship meander through the “meadows.”  You’ll be surprised where it takes you!