Keys to Relationship – Be caring

Keys to Relationship – Be caring

Being in relationship with someone means traveling the path of life alongside with them. 

Life’s path is not easy.  Life’s path is oftentimes difficult!  There are long hard uphill climbs!  The path is often uneven and rocky! 

The path in today’s background photo has obviously been a long hard uphill climb to reach.  Yet there is beauty here!  There is beauty in the expansive views!  There is beauty in the brilliant yellow wildflowers covering the hillside. 

If we are in relationship with someone, do we care enough about them to walk with them when their journey is a hard uphill climb? 

Do we care enough about them to match their stride … when they are weak and weary and spent? 

Do we care enough about them to slow our pace,  when they are not able to keep up with ours? 

Do we care enough about them to stop and enjoy the views together with them? 

Do we care enough about them to pause and let them catch their breath when they are winded, even though we personally might not be winded. 

Do we care enough about them to rejoice with them over the beauty of the brilliant little blessings covering the hillside of their life?  Or do we not care … about them … or about what’s going on in their life? 

A key to relationship is caring.  Truly caring. 

Care deeply about those with whom you are in relationship. 

Care enough to journey along with them … not just for a short easy stretch here or there … but the long hard uphill climbs, and the uneven, rocky stretches as well. 

Care enough to help carry their burdens … not just for a short easy stretch here or there … but help carry their burdens on the long hard uphill climbs, and the uneven, rocky stretches as well. 

“What good is it if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?  … Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?  In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”  – James 2:14-17