Keys to Relationship – Be Kind

Keys to Relationship – Be Kind

When it comes to impossible relationships, oftentimes it is hard to be kind.  The indifference hurts!  The lack of interest … the lack of concern … the lack of caring at all … it hurts!  

It is similar to our background photo today … an upper alpine meadow, which is buried in snowpack most of the year. 

Impossible relationships are like this alpine meadow.  They are icy and “buried in snowpack” much of the time.  The “snowpack” is weighty … bending low the evergreen trees.  All potential for greenness and life is buried deep beneath the icy coldness of the impossible relationship. 

But sometimes the impossible relationship thaws!  On occasion.  And as the icy “snowpack” melts, the beauty of life emerges.  The little evergreen trees are short and stunted, but theirs is a unique beauty.  The meadow in the photo has come alive with groundcover and flowering plants.  Bees are buzzing everywhere!  Life has come … to a place once covered in snowpack. 

This is the impossible relationship.  There is hope for life.  Of course, you never quite know when the “cold winds” will blow again, and everything will once again become buried in “snowpack.” 

But kindness  …  kindness goes a long way in helping to melt the “snowpack.” 

Kindness goes a long way in thawing an icy heart and bringing warmth and life back into an impossible relationship. 

Be kind!  No matter the indifference. 
Be kind!  No matter the “coldness.” 
Be kind … always!   For kindness is key to relationship!