Relationship Lookout

Relationship Lookout

I have always been fascinated by Fire Lookout Towers.  I’ve always thought it would be really cool to actually go see a Fire Lookout Tower.  Yesterday, my daughter and I hiked to Heybrook Lookout.  It was beyond exciting!  We climbed 1700’ in just 1.3 miles. 

As we stood in the peaceful tranquility at the top of the Lookout Tower, I tried to imagine what it would have been like to be a lookout-ranger stationed at the tower for the summer, tasked with the job of constantly surveying the surrounding area for potential forest fires. 

Constantly on guard.  Watchful … for just a whisp of smoke, barely perceptible.   

Just a whisp of smoke could be the indication of serious danger.  When spotted, it was the lookout’s job to get to the fire first and begin the work of putting out the blaze. 

Therefore, lookout-personnel had to be physically fit.  They had to have stamina and endurance.  They had to be able to climb extreme heights, cover large distances, and have the skill to put out forest fires. 

They had to be watchful … observant … vigilant … aware. 

Awareness was the primary job of a lookout-ranger. 

The same is true when it comes to relationships.  One of the primary keys to having a great relationship is awareness.  Being observant. 

Oftentimes in relationships, small “brushfires” start over “little things.”  It’s nothing much, really.  Just some little annoying nuisance which sparks into a small flame of frustration or anger. 

It takes awareness to notice that “whisp of smoke” … just barely perceptible. 

What does that “whisp of smoke” look like?  It could be a short, curt response.   Perhaps the one with whom we are in relationship might become quiet, withdrawn, distant.  Or perhaps we might notice they are downcast;  sad;  or disappointed. 

Oftentimes, when a “whisp of smoke” appears in a relationship, it seems easier to just ignore it, then the problem will go away.  Forest fires will not go away if the lookout ignores the telltale signs.  If the signs are ignored, the problem will become worse! 

If relational “brushfires” are not dealt with … they grow.  They are fanned into bigger flames by the “winds of life.”  The blaze grows!  The smoke becomes thick and choking. 

Eventually, the entire relationship is “burning to the ground” …  yet the lookout is simply sitting in the tower not quite sure why there is smoke everywhere.  Not quite sure what the problem is.  Not quite sure what to do about it all. 

Apathy kills relationships! 

When it comes to the relationships in our life, be a faithful “lookout.”  When “whisps of smoke” appear on the horizon, faintly perceptible … come down out of the tower and go put some effort into seeing what the problem is.  Be willing to cross the distance.  Be willing to put in the hard work and effort to put out the “brushfires.” 

Be a faithful lookout!