Jesus in Titus

Jesus in Titus

What does it mean to be a Christian??  
What does it look like to live the Christian life??

The book of Titus offers the answer.

The island of Crete is located in the Mediterranean Sea, below Greece and Turkey.  The Apostle Paul had spent some time on the island of Crete sharing the Good News about Jesus.  Many who lived on Crete had believed in Jesus. 

These people were brand new Christians.  There was much they needed to learn about the Christian life.  Paul commissioned Titus with the task of pastoring and shepherding these new believers.   (for some background on Titus see: 2 Corinthians 2:12-137:5-77:13-158:68:16-24)

Our gateway photo today speaks to caring for the flock.  It is not a sheep-pen gate, but it is close … it is a horse-area gate.  Just as sheep/or horses need someone to look after them and care for them, so also the people of God (Jesus’s “flock”) need a pastor to “shepherd” them spiritually and care for them.

The book of Titus is a letter from Paul encouraging Titus in his work of shepherding the new believers on Crete.

What does it mean to be a Christian? 

We all long for eternal life in a wonderful Paradise.
*  God has promised eternal life.  – Titus 1:2
*  God did what He promised.  God provided eternal life!  – Titus 1:3
*  God’s grace has provided salvation and eternal life for everyone!  – Titus 2:11
*  Jesus Christ gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness!  – Titus 2:14
*  Jesus Christ, our Great God and Savior, makes us pure and clean!  – Titus 2:14
*  Jesus Christ makes us His very own!  – Titus 2:14
*  God saves us because of His own kindness and love!  – Titus 3:4
*  It is not our own good deeds which save us.  No!  It is only God’s mercy!   – Titus 3:5
*  God saves us through the work that Jesus Christ did!  – Titus 3:5-6
*  Because of Jesus, we are justified … just as if we had never sinned!  – Titus 3:6-7
*  Because of Jesus, we can have the promise of eternal life!  – Titus 3:7

What does it look like to live the Christian life?

–  A life that upright and blameless  – Titus 1:7
–  Not overbearing  – Titus 1:7
–  Not quick-tempered  – Titus 1:7
–  Not given to drunkenness – Titus 1:7
–  Not violent  – Titus 1:7
–  Not pursuing dishonest gain  – Titus 1:7
–  Hospitable  – Titus 1:8
–  Doing what is good  – Titus 1:8
–  Self-controlled – Titus 1:8
–  Holy  – Titus 1:8
–  Disciplined  – Titus 1:8
–  Holding firmly to the trustworthy message of Jesus Christ  – Titus 1:8
–  Respectful towards authority  – Titus 3:1
–  Not slandering anyone  – Titus 3:1
–  Peaceable  – Titus 3:1
–  Considerate  – Titus 3:1
–  Showing true humility toward all  – Titus 3:1
–  Devoted to doing what is good in order to provide for daily necessities  – Titus 3:14
–  Living a productive life  – Titus 3:14

The book of Titus is a very practical, helpful book for brand-new Christians seeking to live the Christian life.   

As far as “shepherding” the people of God, the book of Titus offers specifics which are very helpful:
*  Instructions for setting up the right church leadership – Titus chapter 1
*  Practical advice for older men – Titus 2:1-2
*  Practical advice for older women – Titus 2:3-5
*  Practical advice for younger men – Titus 2:6-8
*  Practical advice for younger women – Titus 2:4-5
*  Practical advice for slaves – Titus 2:9-10

Jesus Christ in Titus

Jesus is our Hope – Titus 2:13
Jesus is our Great God and Savior – Titus 2:13
Jesus redeems us – Titus 2:13-14
Jesus purifies us – Titus 2:13-14
Jesus makes us His very own – Titus 2:14