Jesus in Song of Songs

Jesus in Song of Songs

Our gate today leads into a beautiful garden!  So we come to the book of Song of Songs.   This book of the Bible is a very personal and private glimpse into the relationship between a husband and wife. 

The Song of Songs is about close, personal relationship. 

A marriage relationship is like a beautiful garden.  In today’s background photo, gates lead into the garden.  Not just anyone is allowed in the garden.  So it should be in a marriage relationship … not just anyone is allowed in the “garden” of the relationship.  We see this in the Song of Songs … the relationship is growing and flourishing as the husband-and-wife converse back and forth.  It is just the two of them.  The garden is just for the two.

A beautiful garden does not just happen.  It takes a lot of work!  It takes a lot of time! 

A beautiful marriage “garden” takes time.  Time spent in the garden to nurture, to cultivate, to care.  We see this in the Song of Songs.  The husband and wife are spending time together.  They are cultivating their relationship. 

A beautiful garden cannot exist without the planting of seeds.  A variety of different seeds!  Seeds uniquely suited for the unique climate of the garden.  We see this in the Song of Songs.  The husband and wife are planting “seeds” in their relationship, in a variety of different ways, as they affirm each other.  As they appreciate each other.  As they delight in each other.

All seeds do not sprout the same.  Different seeds sprout at different rates, according to different timetables.  So it is in a marriage relationship.  Sow “seeds” generously into the relationship … but don’t expect immediate results.  A beautiful garden is the result of patience.   And understanding.

A beautiful garden requires commitment.  In looking at our background photo for today, what if the gardeners only sporadically came to the garden.  They would not be intimately familiar with every aspect of the garden.  They would not be aware of weeds sprouting in tucked-away corners.  They would not be aware of fungus taking hold of a plant.  They would not notice the arrival of insect pests.

So also, a relational garden takes work!  It takes commitment!  It takes being actively engaged.  It takes being actively present.  It takes noticing “weeds” sprouting in the relationship.  It takes being aware when “sickness” is taking hold of a heart.  It takes noticing the little biting things which will eat away and destroy the relationship.

In the Song of Songs we see commitment.  We see that both the husband and wife are intimately familiar with each other’s needs.  We see that they do not let “weeds” sprout, but they address it immediately to restore the relationship.  We see that they each care for and protect the heart & soul of the other.

The Song of Songs is a beautiful portrayal of close, intimate, personal relationship. 
It takes time. 
It takes work.
It takes “sowing seeds.”
It takes patience. 
It takes understanding.
It takes commitment.
It takes awareness.
It takes protecting!

Jesus Christ in the Song of Songs. 

The Song of Songs is a beautiful portrayal of a bridegroom’s love for his wife.  So also, Jesus Christ is described as the bridegroom, and the church [those who love and follow Jesus] as His bride.

Ephesians 5:25 – “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”

Revelation 19:7 – “Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory!  For the wedding of the Lamb [Jesus] has come, and His bride has made herself ready.”

Revelation 21:9 – “One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, ‘Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb [Jesus].’”

Jesus loved us so much that He gave His very life for us!  Jesus loves us!
We too can have a close, personal relationship with Jesus as we love and follow Him!