What is the way to paradise and eternal life?

What is the way to paradise and eternal life?

Our world is broken.  Our world is full of pain.  We all want freedom and escape from the pain & suffering.   We want escape from the brokenness. 

Surely there must be some sort of beautiful paradise where we can live forever. 

Our hearts long for this. 

Because God created us for this. God created us to live forever in a beautiful paradise, in perfect loving relationship with Him!  This is what we were made for. 

So, we find ourselves longing for paradise.

How do we get there?  How do we get to paradise?  How can we live forever?

You will notice that today’s background photo features a dilapidated gate leading to nothing and to nowhere.  This is what it looks like when people search for paradise apart from God.

Can we find paradise by accessing spiritual vortexes? 
Can we find peace and eternal life by utilizing crystals?
Can karma get me to paradise?
What about meditation?
Fasting?  Living a good life?  Following all the rules?

These are all gates which lead to nothing.

So, how do we find paradise?? How can we attain eternal life??

“God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.”   – 1 John 5:11

The answer is:  Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ is the gateway to Heaven!
Jesus Christ is the gateway to paradise!
Jesus Christ is the way to eternal life!