The “power” is going out … but don’t be afraid.

The “power” is going out … but don’t be afraid.

To be honest, it is quite frightening to watch the “power” going out in society all around us.  Our world is such a very dark place.  We have always depended on certain “light” sources for our safety.  We have always counted on certain “light” sources for our protection.

But the “power” is going out.  The “lights” are “going dark.” 

What will happen now??  Our hearts are woefully tempted to fear.

The exterior lights pictured in today’s background photo illuminate a dark, wooded piece of property.  A roaming cougar has recently been wandering about.   At first it was thought to be a bobcat, however its long, gracefully-flowing tail gave away the fact that it is, in fact, a cougar.   There is danger in the dark.  There is danger from cougar;  there is danger from bobcat;  there is danger from coyote;  there is danger from bear.

Similarly, our world, and society, is a very dark place.  There is danger out there.  We can’t see it … but it’s out there.

The “power” is being “shut off,”  and the “light” sources are “going out” … but we do not need to fear.  Jesus is our LIGHT.  The LIGHT of Jesus will never go out!  God Himself is shielding and protecting us!

  • “You through faith are shielded by God’s POWER until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.”   -1 Peter 1:5
  • “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.”   -Psalm 28:7
  • “He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.”   -Proverbs 30:5
  • “Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, … He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.  His heart is secure, he will have no fear;”   -Psalm 112:4, 7-8

The “power” is going out  … but God Himself is our shield and our protector!