When the “power” goes out …

When the “power” goes out …

When the power goes out, things which were never an issue before suddenly become a problem … such as … smoke-detectors.   As long as there is power, smoke-detectors (which are hard-wired into the house) work perfectly fine.  But as soon as there is no power, it immediately becomes clear which smoke-detectors have dead batteries.

Smoke-detectors exist for safety.  They are designed for our protection.  But how many of us ever think about our smoke-detectors … let alone remember to replace the batteries. 

Similarly, this same type of thing is happening in society all around us today.  Bit by bit the “power” is going out in life and in society … and suddenly everyone is realizing that the things which are important, the things which we depend on and turn to in times of crisis … those are the very things which have been neglected. 

The “power” is going out in life and in society all around us … but the POWER of the Holy Spirit will never go out!   The POWER of the Holy Spirit gives us strength!  The POWER of the Holy Spirit sustains us to shine the LIGHT of Jesus in our ever-darkening world. 

Not only that, the POWER of the Holy Spirit enables us to be a source of power for those around us, when the “power” goes out in their life.   Their “backup batteries” might be dead, but they can draw strength from our power source.   The POWER of the Holy Spirit is more than enough!

Practically speaking, what does it look like for us to be a power source for others when their “backup batteries” are dead:      “The end of all things is near.  Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.  Above all, LOVE each other deeply, because LOVE covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, FAITHFULLY administering God’s grace in its various forms.”   -2 Peter 4:7-10

  • It looks like LOVING each other.
  • It looks like FORGIVING each other.
  • It looks like RELATIONSHIP with each other.
  • It looks like COMMUNITY.
  • It looks like SERVING each other in KINDNESS.
  • It looks like SELF-CONTROL in a world that’s lost all control.
  • It looks like PRAYING for each other.

When the “power” goes out  …  the Holy Spirit’s POWER is more than enough!

“I can do all things  through Him who gives me strength.”   -Philippians 4:13