Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #3

Fruit of Spirit Self-Control #3

The Fruit of the Spirit is SELF-CONTROL.

In discussing the topic of SELF-CONTROL, we have been considering the irreparable damage an uncontrolled tongue can do: 

“The tongue is a small part of the body … Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”   – James 3:5-6

Our background image today shows a view of the Cascade Mountain Range in central Oregon, looking south towards Mt. Washington.  In 2003, two separate wildfires wound up burning together to create a massive single forest fire stretching along the crest of the Cascade Mountains between Mt. Jefferson (to the north) and Mt. Washington (to the south).

Our background photo for today was taken 17 years after the wildfire occurred, however it is still clearly obvious the area has not recovered.  Nor will it ever fully recover.  The damage was irreparable.

This is what happens in our lives and in our relationships with others when we do not have SELF-CONTROL. 

Relationships which might have taken years to nurture and build can be destroyed in an instant with a single “wildfire” outburst.   Trust is built slowly … over time.  Yet trust can be destroyed in an instant!

Not only that, consider the fact that the devastation in today’s background photo was the result of two wildfires joining together … uncontrolled wildfires joining together to form something monstrous … burning out of control! 

This is what is happening in our world all around us!  Everyone is spewing out sparks of hatefulness all around us!  Everywhere … and starting “wildfires” here, there, and everywhere in their lives.  Spitting out sparks in their homes all over their kids and their spouse;  spewing sparks all over customer service workers with whom they interact during each day;  spewing sparks all over social media, etc, etc, …

“Wildfires” are burning out of control in people’s lives all around us!  Add to that the fact that these “wildfires” in people’s souls are burning together with other people’s “wildfires” in their souls!  The result … which we are witnessing!! … is a monstrous burning which is out of control!

The landscape of humanity is forever being altered!  The uncontrolled “burning” due to the lack of SELF-CONTROL is doing irreparable damage and harm to future generations!

Our daily verse today states:  “The tongue has the power of life and death.”   -Proverbs 18:21a

Humanity, as a whole is “burning” out of control.  But we do not have to “burn” out of control with them.  We can have SELF-CONTROL.  Our tongues have power!  Our tongues have power to “burn” relationships down.  Or our tongues have power to bring healing and life to relationships.  

The Fruit of the Spirit is SELF-CONTROL.