Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #7

Fruit of Spirit Gentleness #7

The Fruit of the Spirit is GENTLENESS.

It is interesting to note the most striking sunrises always involve clouds.  Of course sunrises with clear skies are beautiful.  But not in the astonishing, captivating way of sunrises with clouds.

Sunrises involving clouds are each unique and vastly different!   

  • Depending on whether there is light cloud cover, vs. patchy cloud cover, vs. dense cloud cover.   
  • Combined with the altitude of the cloud cover, the layering of the clouds, and the varying altitude of the various layers. 

All these factors blend together in a unique way to create a dynamic, moment-by-moment changing, artistic swath of colors, shades, and hues.

This past week we have been discussing GENTLENESS.  Our background photos have been sunrises … leading us to ponder that just as God GENTLY ushers in each new day with a gentle growing sunrise, so also, in much the same way, God GENTLY draws humanity to Himself. 

Additionally, we have considered how the Holy Spirit produces GENTLENESS in our lives, by which others are drawn to God. 

But life is really hard!  Our daily interactions weigh so heavy on us!

Those many hard things that weigh so heavy on us are like “cloud cover” in our lives.  We don’t want “clouds” in our lives.  We want clear skies.  But alas, each day we are faced with new problems, new challenges … always-changing “cloud cover.” 

Sometimes our “cloud cover” is light;  sometimes it’s patchy;  sometimes it’s dense and weighs heavy on us!    Sometimes our “cloud cover” is layered with additional “cloud cover.”  Our “layers” of “cloud cover” are dynamically changing, moment-by-moment, day-to-day.

What we don’t realize is that God’s LIGHT is shining through our lives … shining through all that “cloud cover.”    God’s LIGHT shines through it all!    And as hard as all that “cloud cover” is, when God’s LIGHT shines through it, the result winds up being a unique, dynamic, moment-by-moment changing swath of God’s grace and mercy on brilliant display in our lives!

People can’t help but stop and notice!  The work of God’s LIGHT shining through our lives is amazing!  It’s astonishing!  Who knew so much beauty could result from so much “cloud cover”?!?

Our daily verse today states:   “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and GENTLENSS.  Fight the good fight of the faith.”   -1 Timothy 6:11b-12

Life is a fight.  It’s hard.  It’s a struggle.  It’s a fight.  But hang in there!  Keep fighting the good fight of faith.    As the Holy Spirit produces Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Endurance, and GENTLENESS in our lives, God’s LIGHT shines through in an astonishing, brilliant, beautiful way!