Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #1

Fruit of Spirit Faithfulness #1

The Fruit of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS.

Fall has arrived  …  it is cold again  …  leaves are beginning to fall from the trees. 

It seemed that the cedars had handled our summer drought fairly well … but alas, the strain took its toll … and now all the cedars are filled with brown dead branches, just waiting to shed in the next windstorm.

Yet there is no despair, worry, or fear due to the falling leaves or the dead cedar branches.   Why?  Because this happens every year … FAITHFULLY!

God’s promise to humanity:  “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”   -Genesis 8:22

We take for granted the fact that summer will come again next year.  We take for granted that day will turn to night, and that night will not last forever … day will come once again.

These things occur so faithfully, consistently … we can count on them!   Humanity doesn’t even think twice about the fact that these things can be counted on … FAITHFULLY!

  • We take for granted the fact that gravity holds us to the earth … never thinking twice that it is God’s FAITHFULNESS that causes this to be.
  • We take for granted the fact that the earth spins precisely in space, rotating precisely around the sun, in precise concert with all the other planets … never thinking twice that it is God’s FAITHFULNESS that causes this to be.
  • We take for granted that the winter rains will come … never thinking twice that it is God’s FAITHFULNESS that causes this to be.
  • We take for granted that summer will come again next year … never thinking twice that it is God’s FAITHFULNESS that causes this to be.

“Your FAITHFULNESS continues through all generations; You established the earth, and it endures.”   -Psalm 119:90

God is FAITHFUL … this is who He is. 

One of the primary roles of the Holy Spirit is to make us more and more like God  (“Be imitators of God…”  -Ephesians 5:1).  Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives will result in our lives being characterized by FAITHFULNESS.

The fruit of the Spirit is FAITHFULNESS.