Lessons in the Dirt – Always Face the Son

Lessons in the Dirt – Always Face the Son

It’s interesting to notice how sunflowers always face the sun … even on cloudy days, even when it’s raining with raindrops dripping from the petals, they always face the sun.   Always.   Every time I look out my window towards the sunflowers their backs are to me … they are standing tall, with their faces lifted toward the sun!

How similar this is to our spiritual lives.   God calls us to always face the Son … Jesus.   If we are always facing Jesus, keeping our eyes on Jesus, our backs will be to the darkness.  Our faces will be to the LIGHT!    Others will notice!   Even if the Son isn’t directly visible;  even if it is raining, and tears might be falling … others will notice the impact of the Son on our faces … and on our lives.

Always face the Son!