Fruit of Spirit Kindness #4

Fruit of Spirit Kindness #4

The Fruit of the Spirit is KINDNESS.

The main thought which has been guiding our look at the Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is Romans 2:4b:  “God’s KINDNESS leads you toward repentance.” 

Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is a KINDNESS by which the Holy Spirit draws people to Jesus! 

As was stated before, Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS is 100% directed and driven by the Holy Spirit’s active presence at work in our lives.  What this means is that many times you will not fully understand the Holy Spirit’s promptings when it comes to doing acts of KINDNESS.  

The Holy Spirit will often give prompting and direction to reach out in KINDNESS in seemingly unconventional ways;  perhaps to coworkers, friends, or family;  perhaps to total strangers, who perhaps live in totally different cities, perhaps of whom nothing much is known.   Or maybe the Holy Spirit might give prompting and direction to remain silent and not respond at all in the face of an angry fiery outburst.

Fruit of Spirit KINDNESS requires FAITH!   It requires FAITH to respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings of KINDNESS, no matter the circumstance, no matter if it makes sense or not.

Only the Holy Spirit knows people’s hearts.  Only the Holy Spirit knows people’s needs!  Only the Holy Spirit knows where people stand in their relationship with God.  Only the Holy Spirit knows how to draw each person to Jesus!

Our Daily-verse today states:  “Make every effort to add to your faith, KINDNESS.  For if you possess this quality in increasing measure it will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive.”   -2 Peter 1:5-8

Most of the time you will never know how the Holy Spirit used your KINDNESS.  You will never know if anyone was drawn to Jesus or not.   Most of the time your KINDNESS will go completely unknown, completely forgotten, completely unacknowledged.   For sure you will find yourself wondering, “Did that  KINDNESS even matter at all??”   It requires FAITH!    FAITH is believing, even though we don’t see.  (Hebrews 11:1)

Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS requires FAITH: 

*  FAITH to respond to the Holy Spirit’s promptings

*  FAITH to act

*  FAITH to trust that the Holy Spirit is using that KINDNESS to draw people to Jesus.

“He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”   -Ephesians 3:20

The Fruit of the Spirit KINDNESS illuminates the dark path of life, to lead people to Jesus!