Lessons in the Dirt – Cracking

Lessons in the Dirt – Cracking

Our tomatoes are cracking.  Google has answers for mysteries such as this … and evidently, according to Google, the inside of the tomato is growing faster than the outside of the tomato.  Well, that was no surprise.  That was clearly obvious just by looking at them. 

It seems this same type of thing is occurring to people all around us these days.  Our minds are being filled with so much!  Every single bad thing which is occurring all across the globe is constantly being fed to us!   Constantly.    Tragedy, disaster, injustice … it’s too much!  

We were not made to be able to take in that much bad information … every terrible thing happening in every part of the world.  God did not create us to be able to process that much “bad.”

People’s minds are too full!  People are cracking!  Just like these tomatoes.

The problem with cracked tomatoes is that the tomato is now vulnerable to bacteria getting in … and without question these tomatoes will go rotten in a short matter of time.

The same thing happens when people crack … their souls are vulnerable and exposed to evil, which inevitably will result in rottenness deep inside.

How can we prevent ourselves from cracking??  Answer:  By limiting our intake. 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”   – Proverbs 4:23